Anne-Katrin Zwilling

  • Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

Anne-Katrin Zwilling is a licensed Bent Branderup trainer and a member of the Knighthood. She has turned her passion for the art of riding and her great love of horse training into a career in recent years.

In her lessons, she places particular emphasis on the holistic training of horses and humans. With her empathetic approach to the individual needs of her students, she meets each team exactly where they are at the moment.

Her training methods are characterized by precise assistance and a fine feeling for each horse-human team.

Anne-Katrin always finds the right language and the right inner image to convey her knowledge effectively. With a great deal of patience and sensitivity, she not only helps riders to learn the right techniques, but also to develop a deep understanding of their horses’ needs and behavior.

Anne-Katrin follows a structured and well thought-out training approach that enables riders to develop their skills step by step. Her training is clear and comprehensible, so that everyone, regardless of their level of experience, feels that they are covered.

With a clear plan and a comprehensible structure, she supports her students in becoming the best trainers for their own horses.

Impressions by Anne-Katrin Zwilling

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