Pia Neumayer

  • Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

My name is Pia Neumayer. I am a knight of the academic art of riding and a licensed Bent Branderup trainer. I live near Ingolstadt (Bavaria / Germany), teach there in the area and offer day and weekend clinics all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland – on request also across Europe. During the week, I offer students the opportunity to come to my place to get lessons with their own horse / horses for an intensive week (5 days in a row) or to be enriched by online lessons.

For me, the training of the horse begins in relationship/horsemanship, and continues with halterleading, following, ground work, lunge work, work on the hand, long rein work and riding. With passion, in the interest of the horse and its physical and mental health, I train horses and their people, support, advise and accompany them on their own way.

Impressions by Pia Neumayer

Abo-Videos by Pia Neumayer

Pia Neumayer Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Pia Neumayer Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Pia Neumayer Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

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