Shoulder-in, quarters-in, and renvers (Groundwork 4)

After leading training, bending and preparation for side movements, now the 4th part of my webinar series about groundwork. In this web-seminar we speak about the basic side movements shoulder-in, quarters-in and renvers. I explain why we do these exercises, how they are done correctly, and how to develop them. We will also have a look at which aids to give, what kind of mistakes can happen, and of course how to correct them.

I like to develop the side movements in a playful way through the use of body language. However, I also take care that the horses understand the secondary aids well and that they internalise the essence of the side movements.

The side movements are our foundation, on which we build the house of the art of riding. They promote balance, suppleness, and shape, and the accompany us in our daily training. As usual, I will show videos with my horses and I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge, tips and tricks with you!

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Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

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Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

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