Straightening through side movements

In the seventh part of the webinar series “Natural asymmetry and training for straightness” everything revolves around the topic of side movements. Side movements are the heart of dressage work.

  • How can we use the side movements to help our horse achieve more balance, suppleness and shape?
  • What are the pitfalls  and how can we avoid them?
  • Should we only train certain side movements with our horse, depending on his natural crookedness?
  • How do we know that a side movement is done correctly and when it does more harm than good?

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Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

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Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Bettina Biolik Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

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