Anna-Clara Olofson

  • Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

To Anna-Clara there is nothing more beautiful than a human and horse in a true and honest interaction and it is her passion to help riders along the way to achieve that. She is a licensed trainer based in Stockholm, Sweden, who started her journey within the Academic Art of Riding in 1999. She passed the Squire test 2005 and later on the Knight test 2010. She now has 20+ years of experience in horse training, equipage development and the training of young horses. Aside from being a riding instructor she is also a yoga teacher with a special interest in the human anatomy and body and strives to help students to find a functional seat upon the horse. Her teaching method is grounded in both the biomechanical as well as the mental aspect and she believe they cannot be separated – this goes for both horses and humans. She gives lessons worldwide online but are also able to travel.

Impressions by Anna-Clara Olofson

Abo-Videos by Anna-Clara Olofson

Anna-Clara Olofson Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Anna-Clara Olofson Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Anna-Clara Olofson Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Anna-Clara Olofson Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer
Anna-Clara Olofson Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

Seminars by Anna-Clara Olofson

Anna-Clara Olofson Licensed Bent Branderup® Trainer

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